Ryan Leblanc

Ryan Leblanc

We love you and miss you, 25 years was not enough time for you on this Earth. Until we meet again, keep watching

From: Jasmine mintenko

You will forever & always be missed. You would be so proud of your kiddos. Thank you for being my best friends rock & helping bring two beautiful babies into this world. You were always a quiet one, but were loud in so many other ways. As Jasmine said 25 years was not long enough but you have shown your presence in so many ways. Always loved & missed, but never forgotten. We love you Ryan♡

From: Samantha Kent

I don’t know where to start ,you were such a good person you would give your shirt off your back to anyone who needed it, so kind-hearted, you were such a forgiving and loving person & great father🥰 you would be so proud of your kiddos & Jasmine she is doing a good raising them❤️ they remind me of you so much its crazy. You are truly missed and loved by a so many people ❤️Jasmine is right 25 yeas wasn’t long enough on this earth, keep watching over us ❤️ we love and miss you so much Ryan.

– until we meet again bro –

From: Your favorite sister, Brooke Leblanc

I don’t know where to start you were such a good person so kind-hearted, loving ,caring a great father, you would be so proud of your kiddos and Jasmine she’s doing a good job raising them. they remind me of you so much it’s crazy. You are loved and missed by so many people you’re one of a kind Ryan. Jasmine is right 25 years on this Earth wasn’t long enough, keep watching over everyone. we love and miss you Ryan<3 – Until we meet again bro-

From: Brooke Leblanc

I never got to meet you in person, but I met you in spirit. Through your babies, the love you showed my cousins and the light that is your soul. Your memory is honoured in such a loving way, and your children are growing up in ways you would be proud. All little highs, all lows, all great moments the bad and inbetween- you’re with them always watching them walk their journey. Keep showing them little bits of magic! Keep bringing the birds by, they are noticing the signs and the kiddos are figuring out the connections. Xoxoxox I send light and love to your loved ones as family Ryan, may they feel the loving presence of your soul as you watch over them. And may their journey have less greif and more positive reflection. Sending so much light and love xoxoxox

From: Bee

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