Luke  MacIver

Luke MacIver

So many times I think of you,
so many times I’ve cried.
If love could have saved you,
you never would have died.
Always in our heart, forever on our mind…

From: Deb Stead

Missing you my friend.

From: Melinda Russell

Still always thinking of you and always missing you

From: patrina edwards

Never met you, or your family, however I remember the tragedy on that day, May 12, 1995, reminded me of a family member who passed away at the workplace, 20 years earlier. My thoughts are with your mama on this day.

From: don frazer

I think of you often Luke and wonder how life would be different now if you never left.

But I do have some great memories of an amazing guy. And to this day noone can call me darlin’ without me thinking of you.

I miss you

From: Jaime Gordon

23 years ago today, just remember the day, just two days before mothers day. so sorry for your loss.


They tore the building down where you lost your life and I cant say I’m not happy about that.
Maybe you would be happy to know all the workers there are protected and in a much safer work environment now because of you.
You are missed friend

From: Melinda L Russell

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