Kelly Christopher Clarke

Kelly Christopher Clarke

My best friend, My brother,We’re always together growing up. Riding and fixing our bikes, playing with our rabbits, riding horses, playing with fire, fighting eachother and by my side.My best friend growing up together and forever. Love U Always

From: Kenyon Clarke

Kelly was the first Clarke I met…don’t know why, but his hair ‘stands out’ fondly in my mind :~)…Another good person taken too soon

From: Rita Festing

Wish i would have gotten to know him, but if he was anything like my dad, im sure i would have loved him to.

From: David Goodfellow

Wish I could have met you Kelly. Wayne talks fondly of you…he has such good memories of growing up with you & your brothers. You will never be forgotten….

From: Kerri Winter

“When someone we love passes away,
We ache, but we go on;
Our dear departed would want us to heal,
After they are gone.

Grief is a normal way to mend
The anguish and pain in our hearts;
We need time to remember and time to mourn,
Before the recovery starts.

Let’s draw together to recuperate,
As we go through this period of sorrow;
Let’s help each other, with tender care
To find a brighter tomorrow”

From: candice scott

“They say love beyond the world cannot be separated by it. Death cannot kill what never dies. – William Penn
My deepest condolences. Love always, your cousin.”

From: Chimene King

“I remember going on our Aldergrove Elementary School field trip to the Vancouver Planetarium. I remember being so excited and nervous the whole trip back on the school bus. Our school dance was that night. I was sooo nervous…you asked me to dance…it was a slow dance…my first. Thank you.
You made this girl feel special. Gone, but never forgotten….a beautiful soul. xo

From: Melody Ross Manuel

“My Big Brother,a great brother, was always there to look after me, protect me, always show up when I was in need. I wish I could tell him how much I love him and miss him everyday. He was a person who made a differnce in everyones life, always made you laugh and put a smile on your face.
Love you more than words can say
Little Sis”

From: Karen Clarke

“Toe to toe or side by side . . . .we were always together growing up šŸ™‚

From: Kenyon

We played dead snake tag.You tried pushing my fat butt up to the hay loft.We grew up together but are unable to grow old together.See you on the other side.

From: Mark Winter

I remember Kelly as such a fun, loving beautiful boy with a wonderful personality. Such a tragic thing to happen!

From: Darleen

Kelly thinking about you today and many days it has been so many years since we enjoyed your laughter, your smiles and your unforgiving energy when you were around friends. Such a man we cannot forget only miss dearly and hold on to our memories. Treasure them and share with new friends the stories of\ back in the day\” a funloving friend we had with his big head of hair who always made us laugh and how unfortunate it is that we lost him so soon…truly missed and never forgotten”

From: Dar

“Another day, each and every day you are missed and thought of.
You crazy Bugger ! We all love you, and never forget how full of life you were, or how much you filled ours.
Love you Bro”

From: Kenyon

You are always in our hearts and minds
You were infectious on everyone who knew you.
Another day goes by I’m sad because I miss you.
One day . . . . . . One day . . . .

From: Bro :)

Another birthday passes for you Kelly and we still all miss you ! This would be the week you strut around bragging your two years older than me . . . . for 7 days šŸ™‚ Too funny . . . too soon . . . so missed.

From: Kenyon

Another year goes by and I still miss you Brother.
Today I laid a rose, and shed a tear in memory of you.
Many others did the same for their loved ones today.
Love you

From: Kenyon

Happy 60th Birthday Kelly!
We would have had a party !! šŸ™‚
Your family still love you and miss you very much.
Our heart and thoughts are a little heavy, but with you.

From: Kenyon

Happy birthday Kelly. Taken way to young from his family & friends . If we could roll back time to prevent that unthinkable moment from happening šŸ™šŸ„°

From: Dar Gropp

Iā€™m missing you every day think of so often
Love ā¤ļø you forever big brother
Little Sis

From: Karen Clarke

I wish I would have met Kelly. From what I’ve heard, he was a wonderful soul. RIP

From: Les Uhrich

I wish I would have had a chance to get to know Kelly. He was my cousin, and from what I’ve heard of him, we would’ve also been good friends.
RIP Kelly

From: Les Uhrich

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