cheryl  muscroft

cheryl muscroft

Cheryl, we think of you always and especailly on this day of national worker’s mourning. We miss and love you so much. Brother Craig and family

From: craig muscroft

If only we could travel back in time to a little greenish house along trinity street. the front slope towards the door and upon entering is a expansive TV with chairs aimed towards. A large self portrait of the Lions by large telephoto lens with heavy snow features of a pic shot in BV park. a funky set of stairs leading towards an upstairs room used by the kids at one point but must offer a awesome view of the NS mountains. the laughter of Shirley and the super easy going attitude of Bob. I would say ‘hello’ and converse in a language all our own.

It’s Feb2. GH day. K’s birthday. almost damn near 2 decades. I recall the street block parties hosted by Elaine B whose hard work offered all of us a chance to see everyone in a relaxed, unassuming Sunday with the offerings of a near buffet at dinner.

Kim being somewhat challenged by moment of chance and accidental fall…. We all put up with her but on this day I recall the acceptance we had for her. What a special kid and wonderful family. You couldn’t find a better group to live on The magical Trinity Street.

Today, I would only say Hello to old friends that I had once visited often. The house bob built himself that he bought in the early 1950’s of $5000. (which was a lot of money then) and only to sell a few years before his

I’am glad B bought a nice car for himself – black Genisis, enjoyed at much as he could. SoBeIt – was a former thought! the 5 L mustang beast.

Wishing the surviving M’s a warm though of their family members.

all the best.
a forgotten friend of the street.

From: Trinity Street

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